The latest from Crunch Productions :

Crunch Productions has three projects for 2023

Colonel Anne: Jacobite Heroine, a two-act play by David Shirreff was performed by Duns Players at the Edinburgh Fringe from August 11th to August 19th (not 13th) at 18.50 (duration 70 minutes) at theSpace @ Venue45, 63 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh EH1 1DH 

To mark her 300th anniversary, Colonel Anne: Jacobite Heroine was also performed by Duns Players for one day only at Braemar Village Hall, AB35 5RF, on September 10th at 3.30pm.

Chateau Farci, a three-act play by David Shirreff, directed by Lucy Appleby, is currently looking for a venue. Watch this space.

       Colonel Anne

Lover, soldier, fanatical supporter of Bonnie Prince Charlie, Lady Anne Farquharson Mackintosh defied her husband to raise Highland troops in 1745 before the battles of Falkirk and Culloden.

2023 is the 300th anniversary of her birth

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